
Have you got large gum tree's overhanging your home and gutters?

In the past several months there has been quite a number of injuries and death caused by large branches falling from gum tree's. Just last month a 44yr old man was killed under his pergola when a large branch came crashing down and crushed him in his own backyard. This was not the first incident as there has been some severe injuries elsewhere in Adelaide, South Australia due to falling tree branches.

Gum tree's can be particularly brutal to the surrounding commercial and residential properties. They drop large branches that crack roof tiles and dent gutters. All year round gum tree's consistently drop debris such as nuts, leaves and bark. Quite often there is a layer of tree debris all over residential houses, cars and personal property that are locate in the vicinity of a gum tree. 

Finding a reputable gutter cleaning service can be difficult when there are large tree's that surround a commercial or residential property. Cleaning the roof gutters when they are filled with leaves, bark, and tree branches is an extremely difficult job to complete properly. 


Significant gum tree's have large branches left to grow and grow in the suburbs of Adelaide have been causing damage to homes and vehicles for many years. The Tea Tree Gully local government has become extremely difficult when it comes to approving the removal of "significant" trees in the North Eastern Suburbs. If you need to have a tree removed due to the risk of injury or damage to your home then you can get an application form here and apply to have the dangerous tree tree removed or at least cut back. 

It is not just death and injury that these significant tree's keep causing but also severe damage to local houses, roofing and gutters. Large significant tree's and the red tape the TTG Council create to prevent the removal of dangerous tree's is widespread across every local government in South Australia. The council rarely approves the removal of large significant tree's, even when damage is being done to the surrounding residential roofing and guttering. 

Don't get me wrong I love large tree's, they create shelter for local Australian wildlife such birds, tree's also purify the air and provide cool protective shade during those scorching Australian summers. However the local councils need to come up with a solution before more people are killed and injured in South Australia. However we come across damaged gutters and roofing every week that has been caused by a significant gum tree. 

If you are concerned about a large tree around your home, then visit the local council link above. You can the development application form and also email/ring your local government and start the discussion around your problematic tree's. At Gutter Guys Adelaide we have been cleaning gutters for years and are experienced when it comes to cleaning roofs and gutters blocked up by tree debris.